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Vanguard does service to community

To the editor:

I wanted to write to thank Kaja Brown and the Vanguard for publishing such a great article on hunger and homelessness issues.

It is good to see one of our most prominent student voices being used to educate our campus community on the severity of this problem. I would like to clarify some contact information given at the end of the article regarding the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness (NSCAHH). The contact phone number for the National campaign is 1-800-NOHUNGR. This is a great number to call for info on the national campaign. The PSU chapter of the NSCAHH can be reached at

I invite anyone interested in these issues to contact us, as there are many great volunteer opportunities this fall and throughout the school year. Thanks again for this article.

Hopefully many students will now be excited about making some change!

Greg Flynn
PSU NSCAHH Coordinator