The game is afoot here in Portland, Oregon, with Portland Center Stage’s newest theater production Ms. Holmes and Ms. Watson. Playing at The Armory until Feb. 12, the classic story…
Events Calendar Jan. 25–31, 2023
Art Music Film/Theater Community Wed, Jan. 25 Ceramics – Clay Creations Multnomah Arts Center 3:30 p.m. $80 Construct a world with your fingers while exchanging ideas and inspiration with…
Artist Spotlight: Eli Durst
Throughout the past few years of pandemic isolation, the value of in-person community has become more apparent than ever. Eli Durst’s photography project, The Community, explores a variety of gatherings…
Blue Sky Galleries presents The Architecture of L’Ancien Village
Representation of West Africa within the contemporary Western world is hardly present, and what little exists is highly skewed. To this end, a celebrated professor of photography at Santa Clara…
Events Calendar November 30–December 6, 2022
Art Music Film/Theater Community Wed, Nov. 30 Story and Art for LittlesAwake & Coffee Art10 a.m.$5Crafts vary from clay bowls and fairy wands to lanterns and water colored creations Instrumental…
Wild Arts Festival returns to Portland State University
In this modern age, it seems we are moving farther away from our natural roots. With countless corporations disregarding their adverse impacts on the environment and most people spending more…
Find it at 5th: The Traveler
This week at Portland State’s 5th Avenue Cinema—Portland’s only student-run theater—our film curators have chosen to project an Iranian film, The Traveler. This 1974 film is Abbas Kiarostami’s first…
Events – November 23-26, 2022
Art Music Film/Theater Community Wed, Nov. 23 Mt. Hood Bottle & Bottega 11 a.m. $42 Learn to paint Mt. Hood with instruction from an artist, while drinking mimosas Sol…
Events Calendar Nov. 16–22, 2022
Art Music Film/Theater Community Wed, Nov. 16 The Art of Traditional Hebrew Scribing The Eastside Jewish Commons 7 p.m. $500 Learn the basics of Hebrew scribing in this weekly…
Find it at 5th: Mysterious Object at Noon
This week at Portland State’s 5th Avenue Cinema—Portland’s only student-run theater—our film curators have chosen to screen an experimental documentary by Apichatpong Weerasethakul titled Mysterious Object at Noon. The…
Wyrd War gallery presents the marginalized art of William Mortensen
Both consciously and subconsciously, humans tend to shy away from the unknown. To address our discomfort at its existence, we often arbitrarily assign meaning and ignore the things that continually…