Art Music Film/Theater Community Wed, Nov. 9 Portland Bridge Bottle & Bottega 6 p.m. $47 Learn how to paint a Portland bridge with instruction from an artist Mother Mother…
Find it at 5th: Decasia
This week at Portland State’s 5th Avenue Cinema—Portland’s only student-run theater—our film curators have chosen to screen an experimental film titled Decasia. The 2002 movie is a combination of…
The BookFest and Beyond
Last year, Literary Arts welcomed over 3,000 people to its annual Portland BookFest (PFB). With events split between virtual panels and live discussions, the local nonprofit found its footing in…
Events Calendar Nov. 2–8
Art Music Film/Theater Community Wed, Nov. 2 Celebration of the Chrysanthemum Lan Su Chinese Garden 10 a.m. $11+ The history of the chrysanthemum is honored through presentations on Chinese…
Harley Gaber’s Die Plage showcases for the first time in 20 years
Post-World War II, the United States has made a point to educate its citizenry about the egregious violence that was the Holocaust. First-hand accounts of Nazi brutality appear in the…
Find it at 5th: Raw
This weekend at Portland State’s 5th Avenue Cinema—Portland’s only student-run theater—our film curators have chosen to screen Raw, a modern French horror movie. Raw is a film from 2016…
Find it at 5th: Eyes Without a Face
This weekend at Portland State’s 5th Avenue Cinema—Portland’s only student-run theater—the theater’s film curators have chosen to screen Eyes Without a Face, a French film by Georges Franju. The…
Portland Film Festival has returned to Rose City
The 2022 Portland Film Festival—running until Sunday, Oct. 23—has returned to Rose City for its 10th year! Film festivals like this have popped up worldwide for almost a century and…
Architectural Heritage Center offers walking tours
As each of us moves throughout our daily lives, our eyes constantly encounter spaces, places and things that scream for our attention, from our phones beeping and buzzing to the…
Portland Latin American Film Festival returns to PDX for its 16th season
It’s a commonly accepted notion among those who travel: traveling forces one to open their mind and worldview to other cultures in a way that virtually no other experience does….
Events Calendar October 10/12-10/18
Art Music Film/Theater Community Wed, Oct. 12 Embracing Connections Place, 735 NW 18th Ave 5 p.m. Free Visitors will find themselves beneath an imagined landscape of the mind Ringo…