I’ll go on record and say I’m not the world’s biggest Jean-Claude Van Damme fan. In the hallowed pantheon of late 20th-century action stars, I’d quickly take him over Stallone…
Events Calendar July 30–August 5
Tuesday, July 30 Art Planet Coriolis Stumptown Coffee (Belmont) Mon–Fri: 6 a.m.–7 p.m., Sat–Sun: 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Free Matt Belk creates a conceptual world called Planet Coriolis, where the figures…
‘Pop-Up Magazine’
The internet has changed how print media is received, that’s a given, but what hasn’t been as easy to figure out is a way to keep the dying industry alive…
Events Calendar July 23–29
Tuesday, July 23 Art This is Our Summer Group Show HOLDING Contemporary Noon–5 p.m. & by appointment Free, through Aug. 17 HOLDING selected a diverse collection of works from Jackie…
Outdoor date spots
As spring finally approaches in Portland, it’s time to start thinking about local spots to heat things up for a cute and memorable spring date with friends, a significant other…
Paper Cuts
When it comes to art, what’s taken as outstanding and worthy of appreciation ends up intersecting at the interests of the creator and the consumer. Though in Nathan McKee’s case,…
Garbage Day
Despite making one of the greatest action movies of all time, Commando’s director, Mark Lester, isn’t often talked about. Despite making a major landmark in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s career, Lester hasn’t…
Events Calendar July 16–22
Tuesday, July 16 Art Ladies and Gentlemen…The Beatles! Oregon Historical Society Museum 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free, through Nov. 12 This traveling exhibit gives light to 100 new pieces of pop-culture…
50 Years Later
It’s still not clear exactly what happened at the Stonewall Inn that late June in 1969. Police raided the New York club and someone from the crowd fought back, inciting…
Events Calendar July 9–15
Tuesday, July 9 Art Audubon to Autobon Multnomah Arts Center 9 a.m.–9:30 p.m. Free Gene Flores’ hand-colored etchings of exotic birds and human-bird hybrids confront mankind’s abuse of nature. …
Satan, Deliver Us
Satan and doo-wop don’t seem like a fitting pair, but Alexandra and Zachary James are the Los Angeles duo who somehow figured out a way to make it work. Imagine…