Higher One—the financial institution that’s been the gatekeeper for Portland State’s financial aid disbursements since 2004—recently faced investigation for deceptive financial practices. Higher One and its cohort WEX Bank have…
Grad Employees Union seeks greater stake in presidential search
Portland State President Wim Wiewel’s retirement is on the horizon, raising a natural question: Who will be his successor? Finding a new PSU president isn’t as simple as a single…
‘Night at the Rec’ a smash event with new students
Video highlights of the event. Jamon Sin/Vanguard On Sept. 20, 2016, Campus Recreation hosted “Night at the Rec” as part of Portland State’s Viking Days 2016. The evening event provided…
Former PSU President Dan Bernstine passes away
Former Portland State President Dan Bernstine passed away late last week at the age of 69. Current PSU President Wim Wiewel issued a statement on Sept. 26. The statement reads…
Consent to PSU seven-year accreditation plan to be voted on Sept. 15
Thursday, Sept. 15 the Portland State Board of Trustees will likely consent to a Year One Self-Evaluation Report to be submitted to Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, a regional…
Natural medicine forum talks opioids and prescription drugs in Oregon
Prescription and non-prescription opioid and psychotropic drug activity at Portland State may be on the rise. In Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties, from January to March of this year, there…
Viks open season with victory over Central Washington
High anticipation from the end of the 2015 college football season carried into the season opener as the Portland State Vikings started their college football season strong against the Central…
Professor launches smartphone app to encourage critical thinking
Dialogue between skeptics and believers, in person or on Twitter, can result in hurtful language and invalid arguments. A new mobile app published by a Portland State philosophy professor aims…
Advocacy and prevention course addresses underpinnings of interpersonal violence
An experiential learning course that offers students job skills and potential career training seems like a hot commodity. But Amy Kayon, instructor of a three-credit Portland State course which does…
“Adapt” brings dancers together for competition
Additional contributions by Andy Ngo. On August 20, 2016, the Portland State HipHop Alliance, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon and AMP hosted “Adapt,” an annual dance contest, in Smith…
Portland ISO hosts discussion on police reform
In light of recent police killings like those of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the Portland International Socialist Organization held an event focusing on the history of police brutality and…