Don’t Shoot Portland celebrated Juneteenth by making “Freedom Lemonade” in front of the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on June 19, 2017. Juneteenth is a holiday that commemorates when,…
Houseless no more
The Portland State Center for Public Interest Design collaborated with the Village Coalition and the City of Portland to explore a new possibility for houseless women. After a year of…
Annual World Naked Bike Ride: hot as balls
Thousands of naked cyclists from all over the Pacific Northwest gathered at Fernhill Park in Northeast Portland for the 13th annual PDX World Naked Bike Ride on Saturday, June 24…
Monthly Harvest Share returns to Park Blocks with bounty
Over a hundred people turned out at the Portland State Park Blocks for the monthly Harvest Share on Monday, June 12. The Harvest Share is organized by the Committee for…
Alternatives to the ‘Melting Pot’
The final speaker of the University Studies Dialogue Series came to Portland State from Oregon State University on May 25. Dr. José-Antonio Orosco presented concepts from his recent book Toppling…
PSU engineering experiments head to space
Two experiments designed by Portland State graduate student Kyle Viestenz and PSU engineering professor Mark Weislogel were sent to the International Space Station via an unmanned SpaceX rocket on June…
Oregon students and legislators talk sex trafficking prevention
The sex trafficking prevention nonprofit Nest hosted a community panel event with Portland area high school students, teachers, and Oregon legislators on Wednesday, May 31, 2017. The panel discussed inhibitors…
Counter-protesters question police tactics at Trump rally
Portland’s pro-Trump, anti-fascist, and anti-hate rallies on Sunday, June 4 were not quite what the city was expecting. A few hundred Trump supporters gathered in Terry Schrunk Plaza in downtown…
Trump supporters meet overwhelming resistance in dueling rallies
A rally held in downtown Portland’s Schrunk Plaza by Washington State conservative activist Joey Gibson on June 4 was nearly dwarfed by the overwhelming local reaction it elicited. Billed as…
Rallies to collide in downtown Portland
Three competing rallies will converge simultaneously in downtown Portland on Sunday, June 4, 2017. Mayor Ted Wheeler has criticized the most controversial of the three, a pro-Trump “free speech”…
More affordable housing options for Portland students
Portland area college students will soon have access to more affordable housing in the Goose Hollow Towers of Southwest Portland thanks to College Housing Northwest, a local nonprofit housing developer….