June 4, 2020 Dear Students and Faculty As agents of change, researchers, educators, social workers, and people working with children, youth, and families, we stand in solidarity and uplift…
Letter to the Editor: SSW Faculty and Staff call to Disarm PSU
Dear President Percy and the Portland State University Board of Trustees, As members of the PSU School of Social Work, we were glad to see our University’s recent communication supporting…
Open Letter from the CLAS Chairs to President Percy
8 June 2020 On May 30, 2020, Lisa Weasel, Professor & Chair of the Department of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies, wrote a letter to you as an individual, that…
PSU Virtual Commencement: Viking Voices
We asked the Portland State community to give us their opinion about a virtual commencement ceremony in 2020. Here’s what they had to say. After learning that PSU had…
In memoriam of Judson Randall
For nearly 18 years, if you wandered into Market Street Pub on the edge of Portland State’s campus, you would find a man tucked into a booth, a Hammerhead Ale…
Letter to the Editor
The testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford weighs heavily on me. Survivors are watching and listening to how our government, country, places of employment and universities are responding to Ford’s testimony…
Open Letter to Ted Wheeler: Preserve hope for the homeless
To Mayor Ted Wheeler, I am writing to ask you to allow the self-managed houseless community in Northeast Portland, Village of Hope, to remain in place. Please listen to the…
Letter to the Editor: In response to ‘Adjunct faculty fear for their jobs as budget woes increase’
To the Editor: I’d like to clarify a comment attributed to me in the recent article about adjunct professors losing their jobs. My comments about cuts in jobs were never…
Letter to the editor
We’re writing in regard to your recent article “PSU Adjuncts: The problem with being a part-time instructor” (Feb. 13, 2017). Thank you for bringing attention to this important issue. As…
Letter to the Editor: Organizations in the Northwest are promoting hatred as well
The presidential election has shown us unsettling realities in America and even in our home state. As students [we] need to be more vigilant in resisting the xenophobic, racist, and…
Letter from the editor
The Vanguard would like to apologize for any fallacious remarks made in the article, “Guest speaker claims Israel as U.S. colony.” We represent a student publication that prides itself on…