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Letter to the Editor

The testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford weighs heavily on me. Survivors are watching and listening to how our government, country, places of employment and universities are responding to Ford’s testimony…

Letter to the editor

We’re writing in regard to your recent article “PSU Adjuncts: The problem with being a part-time instructor” (Feb. 13, 2017). Thank you for bringing attention to this important issue. As…

Letter to the Editor

From Shauna Colleen Murphy, Feb. 21, 2016 We are a group of students at PSU who are disturbed by the content exhibited by the Portland State Vanguard. In the recent…

Letter to the Editor

From Camelia Verduzco, Feb. 21, 2016 My name is Camelia Verduzco, a current undergraduate Business Student at PSU. I am writing to express my recent upsetting and offensive experience while…

Letter from the Editor

Last week, the Vanguard published a news piece covering a $750,000 grant awarded to a Portland State professor for the development of sexual assault prevention programs. This coverage coincided with…