With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, many of us are looking for the perfect gift for our loved ones. We will soon navigate the familiar barrage of self-deprecating memes and…
Open Letter to Ted Wheeler: Preserve hope for the homeless
To Mayor Ted Wheeler, I am writing to ask you to allow the self-managed houseless community in Northeast Portland, Village of Hope, to remain in place. Please listen to the…
Net Neutrality: its purpose and how its repeal affects everyday people
Net neutrality has been on the public radar since late 2014. While the Federal Communications Commission passed the first net neutrality laws back in 2010, widespread national attention wasn’t drawn…
Guide on the side rather than a sage on the stage
The push for student-focused education: Dissatisfaction with the current education system, particularly in universities, is not a new sentiment. Needed change in education seems to be an continual problem.
Walking the line
In the last 2 1/2 months, 73 men in powerful positions have been accused of sexual harassment. The majority, an astounding 47, have lost their positions—particularly those in power—while the…
Free yourself from the bad news barrage
Media headlines throughout 2017 delivered one dismal news story after the next. In this information age, troubling events bombard us from almost anywhere, and as important as it is for…
YouTube small creators can survive the ‘Adpocalypse’
If you spend any amount of time on YouTube, you’ve likely heard of the “YouTube Adpocalypse.” The term was coined in early 2017 when content creators started to see their…
Concordia University Can’t Get Away with LGBTQ+ Discrimination
The following Viking Voices was originally written as a Facebook post by Anthony Hudson, Portland State alumnus and has been shared with the author’s permission. I watched the students at…
Dogs remind us to be hooman
Viking Voices guest submission: Missy Hannen, Portland State student and Portland State Vanguard Copy Chief It began with a game: Dogspotting. You spot a dog, you snap a photo, you post…
Dear Portland
Viking Voices guest submission: Myles Boyns, recent Portland State graduate Dear Portland, I may be writing this letter a few months early, or possibly even a few years. I’d only feel…
Protect Bears Ears National Monument
All across North America, lands sacred to First Nations people survive under threat of betrayal by the current United States president. These sites are just as sacred as an ancient…