Last November, as bodies lay in Parisian morgues following the worst attack on French soil since WWII, Brussels, the capital of Belgium, was put on security lockdown amid imminent threats…
Beyond Thunderdome: Inside the RNC 2016
Recently, I came across a news story that I thought was parody, but now appears to be completely and totally real. That the two can no longer be safely distinguished…
Give Molly a second chance
Molly has given herself quite a reputation. And it isn’t a good one, either. She’s known for her late nights out at clubs and raves, her close relationship with trap…
Donald Trump: The scariest man in America
As a student of history, I hear the oft-repeated refrain, “If we’re not careful, history will repeat itself.” For most of my life that phrase has elicited little more than…
Inclusion and Engagement
Instagram, social media, and why documenting your every meal may actually be okay
On a recent trip to the Portland Art Museum I came across a still life painting of flowers, fruit, and a table setting. It was rendered in strikingly realistic tones….
The homeless need our help, not our hate
I hate the word homeless. It’s a word followed by too many stereotypes, too many negative connotations and the picture it paints within society’s mind is neither correct nor humanistic….
The United States is Falling Behind
Nearly a third of our food supply is wasted and is a major contributor to climate change. According to, the methane gas produced by the 1.3 billion tons of…
The 2016 election: Or, how we came to enter the twilight zone
If there is one thing this election cycle has taught us so far, it is that something, somewhere has gone askew in our nation’s politics. We are finding ourselves inching…
Republicans: Do your job!
I would like to suggest that, for the next 11 months, President Obama veto every single bill that lands on his desk. He should make it clear that he wants…
Out with the coal, in with the sun
“Coal is America’s dirtiest energy source—and the country’s leading source of global warming pollution,” wrote the Natural Resources Defense Council. Coal companies may market coal as clean, but there is…