Hill to Hall Aug 13 – Aug 21

Aug 20 – Video reveals Antifa attacked American flag-wielding counterprotester

In a video recorded and released by Mike Bivins, a freelance journalist and Portland local, members of the anti-fascist group known as Antifa could be seen wrestling away an American flag from counterprotester Paul Welch. Welch was then struck in the back of the head with a club-like object by a masked Antifa member and then collapsed to the ground, holding his head while in the fetal position. Welch suffered a four-inch gash that required three stitches and spent the next two days recovering from a concussion. Portland Police Bureau Sgt. Chris Burley said an investigation into the incident has been opened.


Aug 21 – Oregon Healthcare officials call using masks to combat wildfire smoke “completely ineffective”

In light of the wildfire smoke that has plagued Portland recently, health officials stated the best form of caution to take is simply to stay inside as much as possible. While many Portlanders have been utilizing makeshift facemasks and medical masks, officials say such precautions are completely useless in combating smoke particles. Even industrial grade facemasks will likely be rendered ineffective if not professionally fitted to form a perfect seal by a professional, according to officials.


Aug 13 – Unite the Right Rally in DC draws paltry attendance

One year after a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va. resulted in multiple injuries and one death after a car plowed into a group of counterprotesters, the second installment of the rally fell flat as a couple dozen white nationalists—led by Jason Kessler—were met by thousands of demonstrators who came to denounce the racist and nationalistic views of the Unite the Right movement. During a speech given at the rally, Kessler blamed the response by law enforcement during the previous year’s rally for the low turnout.


Aug 16 – CDC study reveals that 72,000 US Citizens died from overdose in 2017

A study carried out by the Center for Disease Control determined that 2017 saw an unprecedented 72,000 overdoses, accounting for more deaths than gun violence, car accidents or AIDS, as well as representing an increase of 10 percent from the year before.

The CDC claimed part of the blame for the surge of deaths can be traced to fentanyl, a synthetic drug with 50 times the strength of heroin. It is primarily shipped to the U.S. from overseas and is often laced into heroin without users knowing.


Aug 17 – Trump cancels plans for military parade due to ‘ridiculously high’ price

Plans for a full-fledged military parade to be held in Washington D.C. on Veterans Day—a favored project for Trump in past months—has been canceled due to budget concerns, with the estimated total projected at $92 million. Trump announced the parade could potentially be postponed for the next year so long as the price comes “WAY down,” noting that, in the meantime, such funds could be allocated to “buy some more jet fighters.” Defense Secretary James Mattis disputed the projected cost, stating that whoever made such an estimate must have been “smoking something”.

I am a Senior in the Applied Linguistics Bachelor of Arts program at PSU. I currently work as a linguistic grader with WeLocalize, an international localization firm. I am excited to start Vanguard’s brand new sports section, and I hope to cultivate it in a manner that best serves and represents PSU’s various student athletes. When I am not at work or at school, I spend my time obsessing over the Portland Trail Blazers—and the NBA in general—with my wife, Maggie.