Hill to Hall: July 30 – Aug 5

July 30 – Virginia congressional candidate’s campaign gets off on the wrong foot

Denver Riggleman—a Republican congressional candidate for the state of Virginia—had his campaign called into question by his Democratic opponent Leslie Cockburn. Along with accusing Riggleman of campaigning alongside white supremacists, Cockburn also purported the Virginia Republican had an affinity for “Bigfoot Erotica,” citing a picture from Riggleman’s Instagram that showed a cartoon version of the tall, hairy, mythical creature of the Northwest with a large, censored penis.


July 30 – Oregon among eight states suing the federal government over 3D printable firearms

The United States government is facing a pending lawsuit over the decision to allow Defense Distributed, a Texas weapons manufacturer, to make plans for plastic firearms capable of being produced with 3D printers available online. The suit, filed in Seattle, demands that the U.S. government overturn its settlement with Defense Distributed, claiming the dispersal of plans for 3D weapons poses a major risk to national security.


Aug 5 – Injuries during Aug 4 Portland rally to be investigated

In the wake of a protest and counter-protest held in downtown Portland that resulted in controversial use of force by the Portland Police Bureau, PPB Chief Danielle Outlaw announced the Professional Standards Division and Office of Independent Police Review would begin processing reports of injuries suffered as a result of the tactics used by riot police during the event. The tactics of police officers on the scene have been nationally scrutinized as reports of injuries continue to surface.


Aug 2 – Shooter of Portland transgender woman given 100-day jail sentence

Sophia Adler, who shot and killed Gigi Pierce in downtown Portland on May 21, 2018, had her murder charge dropped by a Multnomah County grand jury and was instead charged with having a concealed weapon without a permit—a charge that resulted in a 100-day jail sentence and two-year probation. Adler claimed before a jury that on the night of Pierce’s death, Pierce was attempting to attack her with a knife. Adler had purchased the gun legally previous to the altercation despite having been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia.


July 30 – Trump ‘ready to meet’ with Iran

After launching into a frenzied, all-caps Twitter tirade explicitly threatening Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, Trump backpedaled and said he was prepared to meet with Iran “any time they want.” Trump’s lashing out at Rouhani was perhaps caused by Rouhani claiming during a speech that a war between the U.S. and Iran would be the “mother of all wars.” Trump said he was interested in a meeting in which the two countries could “work out something meaningful,” also calling the Iran nuclear deal—a deal Trump infamously withdrew from—a “waste of paper.”   

I am a Senior in the Applied Linguistics Bachelor of Arts program at PSU. I currently work as a linguistic grader with WeLocalize, an international localization firm. I am excited to start Vanguard’s brand new sports section, and I hope to cultivate it in a manner that best serves and represents PSU’s various student athletes. When I am not at work or at school, I spend my time obsessing over the Portland Trail Blazers—and the NBA in general—with my wife, Maggie.