Food—one of the best experiences to enjoy by yourself or share with others. Culturally, food connects us all together, no matter which continent we are on or which creed we…
We all need a reset from the perils of our busy industrialized lives—here is a list of hot springs to visit in Oregon. Breitenbush Hands down, my favorite hot…
Three great flower walks around Portland
Enjoy a couple of spots around Portland—and a few miles outside—to find some springtime joy among the flowers. If you find yourself wandering around the east side—over by Laurelhurst Park…
Nature patches: A step towards eco-friendly landscaping
If you walk through Columbia Park in North Portland, you might notice an area filled with ferns, prickly Oregon grape, logs and deep purple hellebore flowers where there was once…
Get outside and eat!
Portland is famous for its culinary cuisine, known before the pandemic as the foodie capital of the U.S. The pandemic brought forth constant struggles for our local restaurants, causing closure…
Free and easy hikes around Portland
Portland is littered with beautiful parks, bridges and open spaces. Although this may be common knowledge, it is all too easy to forget this amidst assignments, work and the roar…