Despite closed campuses and social distancing throughout the state, Oregon student journalists are committed to bringing news to their communities. The Washington Post confirmed student journalists across the country…
Policies, COVID-19 on the campaign trail
Albert Lee is a U.S. Army veteran and former dean of business and computing at Portland Community College. He’s running to unseat Earl Blumenauer in Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District primary….
Emergency ASPSU meeting advocates for in-person commencement
The Equal Rights Advocacy Committee and Academic Affairs Committee convened for an emergency meeting on April 10 to draft a resolution titled “A Voice in Commencement.” The resolution formally requested…
Board of Trustees approves fee changes
The Portland State Board of Trustees (BOT) approved changes to Spring 2020 student fees with a unanimous vote at its April 9 meeting. In response to the coronavirus, the fees…
2020 Commencement: Live from your computer
College is, for many students, a four-year journey. College is also a lot of freedom and responsibility, and a lot of classes and tuition payments. For some students, it’s even…
The cost of tuition in the time of coronavirus
PSU’s recommendations to student’s fees and tuition—and what students are doing about it
Neo-nazis zoom-bomb ASPSU
Hackers infiltrated the first Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU) Zoom meeting of spring term on March 30 via zoom-bombing—the act of joining and disrupting a Zoom meeting,…
As pandemic continues, student government is undeterred
The Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU) met the first week of spring term in full force as it advocates for tuition reduction, appoints new members and prepares for…
Hill to Hall April 2–3
April 2: Governor Brown declines calling special legislative session in near future Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Oregon legislative leaders decided not to call a special legislative session to…
During COVID-19 pandemic service industry unions form as businesses shutter
Newly formed Voodoo Doughnut union holds sit-in amid stay-at-home order
What is even happening anymore?
Everything you need to know about campus’ response to COVID-19—so far