This week, activists and members of Portland’s queer and transgender community mourned the death of Gigi Eugene-Pierce, a 28-year-old transgender woman who was murdered on May 21, 2018 in downtown…
ASPSU frequently cancels meetings, citing lack of participation
The Associated Students of Portland State University canceled at least 10 committee meetings since the start of the spring quarter, most often due to lack of quorum. The canceled meetings,…
Hill to Hall May 27–June 4
May 29: Bayer Monsanto merger The Justice Department approved the merger of Bayer and Monsanto, a deal amounting to $66 billion on May 29. Nine billion dollars worth of assets…
Suspect in custody after hit-and-run at PSU injures three
At least three people were injured in a hit-and-run at approximately 10 a.m. on Friday, May 25 on the Portland State campus when an SUV jumped the curb, striking pedestrians…
Korea’s separated families face post-armistice uncertainties
The historic April 27 inter-Korean Summit marked a new chapter in the relationship between the North and South, as indicated by the summit’s motto “Peace, a new start.” The two…
More than 100 PSU Intensive English Language Program students win awards
The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) at Portland State held a ceremony highlighting students from the 2018 winter term on Friday, May 11. About 120 IELP students who are inspirations…
Portlanders honor victims of MAX attack in anniversary vigil
Trimet shut down the Hollywood Transit Center in Northeast Portland for an hour and a half on Saturday, May 26 to commemorate victims of last year’s stabbing attack by white…
‘Come on down, Governor Brown’
Oregon’s Democratic Socialists of America and the Oregon Poor People’s Campaign held a rally on the front steps of the state capitol building in Salem on May 21 to protest…
This Week Around the World
May 21 Democratic Republic of Congo: The World Health Organization launched a vaccination program amid the growing worries surrounding the Ebola outbreak in the DRC. Over 7,500 doses of the…
Too sick for school: PSU student forcibly sedated and hospitalized claims retaliation, intimidation by university
Editor’s note: The student in this story uses singular they/them/theirs gender pronouns. At 12:05 p.m. on Friday, March 9, Portland State student Ullahushi Lovsness, 23, woke up to a loud…
PSU student found unconscious and injured in California
Portland State student Aaron Salazar is in a coma with multiple injuries after being found unconscious next to a railroad in Truckee, Calif. on May 15. Salazar, 22, was travelling…