Confetti in the sky

A wet winter in Lebanon has encouraged more butterflies to migrate there than the country has seen in 100 years. “The last time this migration happened was way back in…

Jaguar bodies sold on the black market

Jaguars, classified as a near-threatened species, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, are facing loss of habitat by the sudden increase of mining and logging in South…

Assange’s seven-year asylum ends

Julian Assange’s seven-year asylum ended on April 11 after London Metropolitan Police officers escorted the WikiLeaks founder from the Ecuadorian Embassy. Assange moved into the embassy in 2012 to avoid…

Prime Minister Netanyahu re-elected

Despite a close race in Israel’s April 9 snap elections, Benjamin Netanyahu won his fifth consecutive term, making him the longest serving prime minister in Israeli history. Various exit polls,…

U.S. revokes ICC members’ visas

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on March 15 the U.S. is now revoking and denying visas to members of the International Criminal Court seeking to investigate and…