PSU Admin responds to Chartwells price increase

The Portland State Administrator overseeing PSU Eats’ exclusive contract with the university has acknowledged his role in a miscommunicated increase in catering prices for students, and elaborated on issues surrounding…

PSU’s Feminists of Color Collective

Portland State’s Feminists of Color Collective provides a space to discuss issues and disparities affecting marginalized communities of color. With Portland as a place of activism, resistance and outspoken opinions,…

PSU Vanguard Shield Icon

Noon Concert Series: Tomas Cotik The Noon Concert series is held weekly every Thursday in the Lincoln Recital Hall (LH 75). This is an opportunity to experience the sounds of the Portland State School...

Have you heard of God The Mother?

Portland State students report being approached on campus by World Mission Society Church of God members amid rumors the group is involved in sex trafficking and cult-like behavior. “Have you…