Tuesday Nov. 13 Art “Never Was A Thing” Elizabeth Leach Gallery 10:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Free Isaac Layman’s “photographic constructions” focuses on immediate environments and will be on display at the…
Pass the Tofurky
Most Americans have turkey on their brains come November, but consuming mass-produced turkey often comes with unfavorable side effects. Founder of Tofurky Seth Tibbott spoke of the benefits of veganism…
Book cosmopolis
The Portland Book Festival, formerly known as Wordstock, returns Nov. 10 to Portland Art Museum and surrounding venues with 157 authors and presenters appearing on nine stages, plus writing workshops,…
Eliminating World Languages
Former Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Karen Marrongelle issued a proposal in August 2017 to eliminate language programs in Ancient Greek, Swahili, Korean and Vietnamese by…
Todos somos calaveras – We are all skeletons
Organized by Portland State’s La Casa Latina Student Center, a celebration of Diá de los Muertos was held on Nov. 2 to commemorate the holiday and bring the community together….
Events Calendar Nov 7–12
Wednesday Nov 7 Community Diane Williams Powell’s City of Books 7:30 p.m. Free Diane Williams is founder and editor of literary magazine, NOON, and Powell’s is celebrating her new book…
Egyptian mummy sucks the souls of the elderly…out of their ass.
Don Coscarelli is one of the kings of low-to-no-budget horror. Every Coscarelli movie is soaked with his own blood, sweat and tears, and I have no problem calling him one…
Events calendar Oct. 30-Nov. 5
Tuesday Oct. 30 Music Nnamdi Ogbonnaya Mississippi Studios 9 p.m. $10–12, 21+ Alternative hip-hop artist Nnamdi Ogbonnaya joins Sen Morimoto onstage at Mississippi Studios for a pre-Halloween evening of dancing…
The politicization of Taylor Swift
It’s time for young voters to pay attention to politics. With the upcoming midterm elections on Nov. 6, pop artist Taylor Swift chose to endorse two Democratic candidates running in…
Sustaining Portland’s culture of reading and reuse
According to Bryn Johns-Hunter, retail operations manager for Friends of Multnomah County Library, there is no such thing as having too many books. I agree, and I know I am…
The dirtiest word in comics: relaunch
Wolverine is back from the dead—again. This isn’t anything new, though. What I’m referring to are the constant relaunches and reboots at DC and Marvel Comics. It has become commonplace…