The nationally syndicated comedy show “Speechless” puts a performer on stage to give an improvised presentation on a topic chosen by the audience, using a set of five Powerpoint slides…
Raising up children
Hundreds of protesters gathered on Jan. 20 at Peninsula Park in North Portland for the “Reclaim MLK Annual March for Human Rights and Dignity,” organized by Don’t Shoot PDX. The…
Jane Austen, the Gossip Girl of the 1800s
Sense and Sensibility, adapted from Jane Austen’s novel by playwright Katie Hamill and directed and staged by Eric Tucker, comes to Portland Center Stage by way of Bedlam theater company…
#MeToo movement highlights survivors on day of International Women’s March
Coordinators and volunteers spoke out against gender oppression and sexual assault during the #MeToo Speak Out and Women’s March on Saturday, Jan. 19 at Terry D. Schrunk Plaza in Southwest…
Events Calendar Jan. 22–28
Tuesday, Jan. 22 Art “My Left, You’re Right” Gallery @ The Jupiter Open 24 hours Free Eugene-based artist and curator Christopher St. John has debuted a collection of new ceramic-centric…
Hill to Hall: Jan. 14–19
Jan. 14: Los Angeles teachers enter fifth day of strike for contract renegotiations Over 32,000 teachers in Los Angeles County—the second biggest school district in the United States—began a strike…
Kicking Ass and Taking the Stage
Needless to say, girls, women and femmes typically get the shit end of the societal stick. That’s something Madison Sturdevant simply couldn’t deal with anymore, particularly in the realm of…
Mayor Wheeler, President Shoureshi break ground on new $104 million building
Clad in a hardhat and wielding a shovel, Mayor Ted Wheeler led the charge on Jan. 11 during a groundbreaking ceremony at the corner of 4th and Montgomery streets for…
Events Calendar Jan. 15-21
Tuesday, Jan. 15Art“Chasing Sophia” by Miles Cleveland GoodwinFroelick Gallery10 a.m.–4 p.m. Entry fee included with garden admission These dark, emotive and reflective pieces by Goodwin are only on display until…
TriMet on campus to verify incomes for low-income fare
Eligible students can get their incomes verified by TriMet on campus in the Portland State Transportation and Parking Office in order to receive low-income fare from Jan. 7–11. TriMet officials…
PSU’s CO-OP Pilot Launches This Term
Students who applied last fall and were accepted into Portland State’s CO-OP pilot program will be beginning their first term of paid cooperative education this January. The pilot program is…