Portland Police Bureau officers are currently on scene after a fatal drive-by shooting at NW 5th Ave & Everett where they confirmed a man died from traumatic injuries. According to…
‘Undocumented, unafraid’
Portland rallies against DACA repeal plans Over 1,000 people gathered in downtown Portland on Tuesday, Sept. 5 to rally in support of the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals program and…
Advocates throw postal protest birthday party as USPS turns 242
This year the United States Postal Service turned 242 years old. To celebrate the milestone, local advocacy group Portland Community and Postal Workers United organized a birthday party protest on…
Hundreds displaced as unconfined fire blazes 20 miles outside Portland
A devastating, 10,000 acre wildfire burns fierce in the Columbia River Gorge, sweeping up old-growth forest and decimating prime, natural areas. The blaze has displaced hundreds from their homes and…
Trump announces DACA phaseout, PSU reaffirms sanctuary status
Trump administration ends Obama-era immigration policy The Trump administration will rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, according to an announcement this morning from Attorney General Jeff Sessions at…
Gibson pokes antifa, gets stung: cancels rallies amid protests
Patriot Prayer loses control of planned rally On the afternoon of Sunday, Aug. 26, Pacific Northwest Libertarian celebrity Joey Gibson’s appearance at a liberal anti-hate protest in Berkeley, California at…
Counter protesters march in droves after canceled San Fran Patriot Prayer rally
Portland “alt-right” organizer in Bay Area Thousands of people gathered around the San Francisco Bay area on the weekend of Aug. 25 to demonstrate in unity against recurring systemic racial…
Internet came at Sandy Hut after Proud Boys’ brunch
Proud Boys met for food and drinks on a Sunday at the Sandy Hut bar in northeast Portland. Local bar flies had their cameras on them and snapped a couple…
Reflection in the wake of totality
After my misty eyes beheld eclipse totality, I am happy to weather the traffic, one homemade porta potty, and the dense-and-poorly-managed makeshift campground disaster all over again. It is worth…
Dr. Margaret Everett named PSU Interim Provost and VP of Academic Affairs
Dr. Margaret Everett will serve as Portland State Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs beginning Sept. 1, according to an Aug. 22 statement from the PSU President’s office….
Portland shows solidarity against hate: ‘White nationalism is white supremacy’
Portland community members gathered outside city hall on Sunday, Aug. 13 to speak out against the large demonstration of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia and to show solidarity with the…